We want to ensure that you have the resources you need to be successful in ALZ-NET. Contact us with your questions and consider utilizing our marketing materials to spread the word about ALZ-NET in your community.
Our team at the American College of Radiology is available for Network support at any point during your participation in ALZ-NET. Email ALZ-NET@acr.org or call 215-574-3181 to schedule a protocol training.
The ALZ-NET Operations Team hosts office hours every Tuesday from 12pm-2pm and every Wednesday from 2pm-4pm EST to assist you in the start-up process.
Share your participation in ALZ-NET with your community. All marketing materials must be approved by ALZ-NET prior to use. Materials include, but are not limited to, flyers, postcards, packets for patients, use of ALZ-NET logo on website, website notifications, emails, press releases and other similar types of materials.
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