This page outlines ALZ-NET data collection resources, application details and trainings, and data access and request links. 

Case Report Form Packets

A patient’s electronic medical record (EMR) may serve as source documentation as an alternative to paper-source documentation in ALZ-NET. Please consult your local source documentation requirement guidelines for more information. 

Data Collection Applications

ALZ-NET uses three different ACR applications for case registration, ongoing data entry and image submission. For technical assistance with the applications below, email

Case Registration 

Research Management System (RMS) is the case registration application for ALZ-NET.


Baseline and Follow-up Data Entry

Medidata Rave serves as the electronic data capture (EDC) for ALZ-NET for baseline and follow-up data entry.


Image Submission

ACR TRIAD is the secure image and data platform for ALZ-NET that will transfer imaging exams and associated radiology reports of enrolled patients.


Data Access and Requests

ALZ-NET Study leadership is finalizing the data access and request process for ALZ-NET but will be posted on this page when available.

Additional Resources


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